All parishioners are invited to volunteer with Community Meal Hosting.
The Godar’s and our Knights of Columbus, are managing St. Mary’s new effort
of hosting the free Grinnell Community Meal at the Grinnell United Methodist Church
on the third Thursday of every other month, starting with Thursday, September 19.
This long-standing program has aided the hungry in our community,
as well as fostering fellowship across the community
with the volunteer teams dining and socializing once all have been served.
The United Methodist Church congregation has regularly invited other groups
to help them and it has become difficult in recent months to gain assistance,
especially since the pandemic.
This is wonderful opportunity to extend our church’s involvement in the community,
and St. Mary members who have already volunteered
for the community meals say it is a wonderful, rewarding experience.
You can sign-up online by clicking HERE.
Volunteer Shifts (6 Volunteers Per Shift)
First Shift (Prepping & Set-up) 3:15-5:15pm
Second Shift (Serving & Cleanup) 5:15-7:15pm
If you’re not able to serve, or in addition to serving, you can volunteer to provide a dessert.
You don’t need to be a K of C member to sign-up…this is a St. Mary Parish effort.
If you have any questions, you may email or call/text Donna Godar at or 641-990-2811
Thank you for joining us!