St. Mary Parish Council Meeting Minutes – Thursday, August 17, 2023 at 6:30 p.m.

Present: Shane Hart, Marsha Maschmann, Linda Ollinger, Sam Peiffer, Scot Wilson, Judy Binegar, Karen Schmidt, Wendy Kramer, Sharon Mealey, Fr. Scott Foley, Jane McFee, Lee McFee
Not Present: Lynn Cavanagh, Scott Collings, Chris Zug, Dennis Phelps, Brian Cranston, Kent Reed, Deacon John Osborne, Joe Bagnoli

  1. Opening Prayer: Marsha Maschmann
  2. Spiritual Component – Manatt Hall Artwork: Kristie Perrin hung the art in the Parish Center. Fr. Scott provided the name of each and included interesting facts about some. A suggestion was made to have information placards placed by each.
  3. Physical Component:
    Prayer Garden Tour – The council members were invited to the prayer garden between the church and parish center. Fr. Scott pointed out the benches and the statues. More statues could be added in the future. Mindy Sieck designs the plantings each year. The plants have done very well this year. Everyone is welcome to spend time in the garden and/or walk through it on their way too and from Mass. The door is unlocked for Mass and other events.
    Parish Council Officers – Linda O. and Scot W. will serve as co-presidents, Lynn Cavanagh as vice president with the intention of being president starting summer of 2024. Darlene Doorenbos will attend meetings and take the minutes.
  4. New Business:
    Welcome new members Dennis Phelps, Judy Binegar, and Karen Schmidt. Council members present introduced themselves to the new members.
    Brooklyn and Grinnell Sharing Update from Fr. Scott – The new responsibilities are keeping Fr. Scott and Jay busy. St. Patrick will be hosting a BBQ on Sept. 30th members of St. Mary will be offered the opportunity to purchase tickets and attend. Members of St. Patrick attended the recent fish fry at St. Mary. St. Patrick is also planning to hold a fall festival for the first time in a few years. There has been sharing of people resources between the parishes to take care of needs such as repairs and maintenance. Bulletins for both parishes are available in each parish. A member of St. Mary attending Mass at St. Patrick can place their marked contribution envelope in the collection during Mass and it will make its way back to Grinnell, likewise for members of St. Patrick attending Mass at St. Mary.
    Pancake Brunch Update – The September brunch will be held on the 2nd Sunday to avoid the holiday weekend. The remaining brunches in 2023 will be on the 1st In 2024 we will switch to the 2nd Sundays in an effort to provide consistency by avoiding holidays that typically fall on the 1st weekends. The time of 11:30-12:30 will be removed and just advertised as after the 10:30 Mass.
    St. Mary Clean Up Day – October 14th
    Upon This Rock Update – Almost $392,000.00 has been donated and/or pledged. The Holy Family statues have been sent for restoration. The artist will restore them to their original condition including color (they were painted over at one time). They will hopefully be returned by Christmas. Bids for the air conditioner are being sought. Work is yet to begin in the sacristies. The parish has enough funds on hand to start the projects which will be paid back by the campaign funds as they become available.

    How can the Parish Council help Fr. Scott – Showing up at events and just being present, if asked to volunteer to assist with a project, event, etc. say “yes.” Fr. Scott was encouraged to come up with a list of items that can be taken over by members of the parish to take them off his plate. Most importantly we can all help by praying for our pastor.
  5. Adjournment:
    Next Meeting – October 19, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. Prayer leaders Scot Wilson (opening), Wendy Kramer (closing)
    Closing Prayer – Linda Ollinger

Respectfully submitted: Sharon Mealey (acting secretary)


Worship & Spirituality Report:
The commission met August 10th. The commission welcomed Donna Godar as our new volunteer liturgical ministry scheduler and offered thanks for Bill Hansen as he has stepped down as a member of the commission. Our commission with the Buildings & Grounds Committee hosted the August 6th pancake brunch. There were approximately 50 in attendance and the comradery was great. This is year two of the Eucharistic Revival where the focus is on parish life. Each parish is asked to have a parish point person who will organize and lead initiatives and activities. Resources are available at and Our next meeting will be September 14th.

Social Action Report:
Social Action:  The Social Action Commission met August 3rd.  At this time 9 homebound people from St Mary are being visited and 3 are being called or sent cards.  There is a need for still more volunteers.   Contact Jay if
interested.  Commission decided not to proceed with Community Meal at Davis at this time since details are not yet firmed up. We will focus on November St Mary Parish Breakfast instead or possibly doing a Saturday evening meal after Mass – tbd.  The Hexters will be doing a book study in either late fall or after Christmas – tbd.   The commission is considering doing a SERVV sale (benefitting artisans from other countries) at the time of No Room at the Inn, usually held the weekend after Thanksgiving. Information on all activities above will be shared at the next meeting – Sept.  7th. 

Knights of Columbus Report:

* Awards cabinet–Kent & Mark G are planning for the Knights of Columbus wood/glass cabinet Fr. Scott has tentatively approved for the wall above the pew at the bottom of the stairs near the elevator. 
* RAGBRAI report $674+100 WM card profit contributed to Special Olympics Iowa.
* Tootsie Roll Drive, first week after Labor Day–Bill asked to do signup genius
* Homecoming parade float…consider KofC float from Victor, give out medium tootsie rolls, wear yellow smocks
* Installation of officer’s report. Good turnout for reception lunch at West Side.
* $53 donation made to KofC Ukrainian Solidarity fund
* Father is relaying our request for outdoor Can redemption collection enclosure to landscaping committee.

* Sept 3, KC host pancake breakfast–current rotation of 6 orgs so each to do 2X per year. Mark chair if can change date to 9/10. Volunteers?
* Plan to invite St. Patrick’s parishioners and especially KofC members to our future events.
* trunk or treat, membership drive, banner, what to do for fun? Mini haunted house, Kent’s trailer or a bigger one? Wizard of Oz theme? Kent and Brian to work on ideas.
* November Jingle Bell Holiday, planning on Soup Supper as last year, maybe add root beer floats to other desserts by youth group at soup supper. Who to be recipient? last year, $ to MICA.
* Good of Order awards…Kent to present to District for monthly award
* LEE: Please work on planning a membership drive for the fall.

FAMILY OF THE MONTH: Al & Karen Frischmeyer, help with Fish Fry and Landscaping
YOUTH OF THE MONTH: Emily Gruman, help with RAGBRAI cookies and sales