St. Mary Parish Council Meeting Minutes – Thursday, February 15, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.

Present: Lynn Cavanagh, Marsha Maschmann, Linda Ollinger, Sam Peiffer, Scot Wilson, Kent Reed, Wendy Kramer, Sharon Mealey, Fr. Scott Foley, Deacon John Osborne, Karen Schmidt, Scott Collings, Darlene Doorenbos

Not Present: Dennis Phelps, Judy Binegar, Kristi Perrin, Chris Zug, Brian Cranston, Lee McFee, Jane McFee, Shane Hart

  1. Opening Prayer: Wendy Kramer
  2. Spiritual Component: Scott explained the 5 Precepts of the Church: 1). “You shall attend Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation and rest from servile labor.” 2). “You shall confess your sins at least once a year.” 3). “You shall receive the sacrament of the Eucharist at least once during the Easter season.” 4) “You shall observe the days of fasting and abstinence established by the Church.”  5) “You shall help to provide for the needs of the Church.”
  3. New Business:

Big 10—Fr. Scott reviewed that these include both Spiritual and Physical components and help to build community in the church.  The sign-up sheet is posted across from the bathroom and there are still some areas that need to be filled in both the spiritual and physical sections.

Kitchen—Food items in the refrigerator and freezer, which are not for regularly scheduled events such as the pancake breakfasts, must be labelled with names and dates.  Suggestions were made to have labels available for people to use and/or to put a sign on the refrigerator reminding people to label items. Karen said that the funeral meal committee may use unlabeled items in the fridge for funeral meals.

Linda mentioned that a lot of time has been spent organizing items in the two kitchens (basement and hall), drink station and coffee making area and would appreciate it if items were returned clean and in their designated places.

Faith formation service talks—Scot encouraged members to contact Michele Otto to give presentations to the 7-12 grade faith formation Wednesday night class concerning service to the church.  Those who have already presented are Lee McFee, Sharon Mealey, Connis Dayton and Jon Hexter.

New Council Members—Scot would like to see an announcement in the bulletin asking people to consider serving on the parish council. Fr. Scott suggested putting a  small announcement in the bulletin now with a bigger focus in April.  Currently there is no limit to the number of people on the council and it is no longer an election process but asking volunteers to step up.  The terms would start for the next fiscal year, July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025.

Mother’s Day Brunch—May’s brunch falls on Mother’s Day.  It was decided to keep the brunch as scheduled.  The finance committee is in charge of the brunch and Wendy is seeking extra help.  Eight people are needed.  Kent will work the grill and ask the Knights of Columbus for help.  Wendy will contact Braiden concerning college students helping and she will take care of the Thursday thaw and getting the groceries. 

Finances—Lynn asked if a financial statement could be made available for members of the church.  Fr. Scott will get this published. Karen also suggested that Jay is a good resource for financial questions.

  1. Physical Component- Scott received the final bid on the new air conditioner and it will soon be installed. Work will be done by Cunninghams of Ankeny. Funds provided by Upon this Rock campaign.  Members were shown the progress on the renovated sanctuary area and told of what future renovations will be done.  This project has also been funded by the Upon this Rock campaign.


Commission, Committee, Finance Council and Knights of Columbus submitted Reports:


Worship & Spirituality Commission—The commission met December 14th, January 11th, and February 8th.  Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is being offered after mass on the first Sunday of each month (and its Vigil).  Some 4th, 5th, and 6th graders have gone through Altar server training recently and are encouraged to volunteer at weekend Masses.  Holy Week schedule: Palm Sunday, March 24—regular weekend schedule, Holy Thursday – March 28 – 7 p.m. at St. Mary, Good Friday – March 29 – time TBD at St. Patrick, Easter Vigil -March 30 – 8:15 St. Mary, Easter Sunday – March 31 – regular weekend schedule.  The last Saturday Mass at St. Mary is planned for the first weekend in April.  Donna is reaching out to Saturday volunteers to ask if they want to be scheduled on Sundays.  Our next meeting will be March 14th.

Social Action Report—The commission met January 4th and February 1st.  Doris Hotchkin reported the No Room at the Inn event held December 1st was successful with slightly over 100 people attending, including Kent Ferris, the Director of Social Action for our diocese. (The music at this event was especially well received.  Next year more workers should be recruited to shorten the shift times of our commission members.)  Volunteers are still needed for Visits to the Homebound.  Connis Dayton and Jon Hexter spoke to the St. Mary youth group in January about the works of our commission and gave them ideas on how they might help our parish.  The youth made Valentines for our Homebound and Connis delivered them.  The commission is planning for the Lenten Food Drive, which will begin March 16 and conclude Easter weekend. An effort will be made to supply more nutritional items this year to both MICA and the food shelves at Drake Community Library.  Linda Buck will handle publicity and Sue Landkamer Rivera will research needed food items.  Commission members will work together to organize the donation items (hall in basement) and delivery (April 1st). Connis Dayton will be the new social action chair beginning in March.  Next meeting:  March 7, 2024.

Parish Life – no report

Building & Grounds – no report

Stewardship – no report

Knights of Columbus – January 16, 2024. KC meeting took place at Pizza Ranch.  Roy Doorenbos showed a short video from Ascension Press.  John Landkamer received a shirt for State Knight of the month.  Guest speaker was Tony Gallo.  Tony talked about stress relief.  Tony also showed some technics to relieve stress.

Meeting opened with prayer and Pledge of Allegiance.

4th degree will have an exemplification at the state convention on April 14-15 in Council Bluffs. 

Dan Mauss was at a healing prayer service the night of the meeting.  Soccer Challenge is held sometime in August or September.  January 21 is the date for the Free throw contest at Davis Elementary School.  January 28 is the date of the Spelling Bee contest at Davis Elementary School.

District Deputy N/A. Insurance Agent N/A.  Life Director is Micheal Hotchkin.

Old Business

Kent Reed is working on the Award cabinet.  Micheal Redington has agreed to call people for the fish fry.  Bill Gruman has set up a sign-up genius for the fish fry.  Rick Jacoby will get most of the supplies for the fish fries.  Larry Wilson will head the group prepping on Thursday and prep on Friday.  The Grand Knight would like to look at parades that the KC’s could participate in. Possible dates could be Memorial Day or around an important religious day.

New Business—Treasure report N/A.  Financial Secretary report N/A. Knight of the month: Lee McFee.

Family of the month:  Shane Hart family. Prayers for Dan Mauss.  Closing prayer—Kent Reed.

  1. Adjournment—Next meeting will be Thursday, April 18, 2024 (meetings are held on even months) at 6:30 p.m. Scott will do the opening prayer and Marsha Maschmann will do the closing prayer. Scot Wilson said the closing prayer and meeting adjourned at 7:30.

Refreshments of hot cross buns, made by Colette Wilson, and water were provided by Scot Wilson.


Respectfully submitted by Darlene Doorenbos, recording secretary