Hello St. Mary Community!
For those who don’t know me, my name is Theresa Crawford. I’m the youngest daughter of Dennis and Renny Crawford and have been a life-long parishioner at St. Mary in Grinnell.
Recently, I graduated from Iowa State University with a Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry and a minor in Spanish. In a few weeks, I will be moving to Trujíllo, Honduras to serve as a missionary at a Catholic children’s home, Fínca del Niño. Fínca del Niño (Farm of the Child) is a Catholic non-profit organization and family-style home that also serves as a school and medical center to many community members in the Trujíllo area. I will serve as a missionary at the Finca for the next two years!
I would like to invite you to serve with me on this mission. Firstly, I will need many prayers over the next two years – I have heard from several former Fínca missionaries that their time spent there were some of the most challenging, but also most life-giving years of their lives.
Additionally, I will be raising $14,000 for the two years I will be serving at the Fínca. This amount will cover costs and stipends for my 27-month commitment. If you would like to join me as a mission partner through a one-time donation or monthly financial support, you can go to https://www.farmofthechild.org/theresa.
This will take you to a page containing my donation link and a link to my blog. I will be using this blog to post updates and stay connected with friends and family back home!
One of the first costs of this mission will be the 6-weeks I spend at language school in Antigua, Guatemala with my fellow missionaries. Language school costs $340 for each week; a monthly donation of $15 would cover a week of school and the weekly stipend I will receive while in Antigua.
Thank you so much for your time and consideration. The St. Mary parish community has had an immense impact on my life. Not only by planting the seeds of a faith life that has continued to flourish since going to college, but by also showing me, from an early age, a beautiful example of community and love. Some of my favorite memories are at St. Mary with the people there. I’m so excited for you to join me in this next chapter of my life!
If you have any questions or would like to know more, please reach out to me at theresa01.craw@gmail.com.
Thank you!