St. Mary Parish Council Meeting Minutes – Thursday, February 20, 2025 @6:30 pm
Present: Father Scott Foley, Lynn Cavanagh, Scot Wilson, Scott Collings, Sam Peiffer, Linda Ollinger, John Dayton, Mark Godar, Lee McFee, Sharon Mealey, Karen Schmidt
Absent: Shane Hart, Dennis Phelps, Judy Binegar,
Opening Prayer: Father Scott Foley
Continuing Business: Father Scott reported the BIG 10 sign up for this year is successful. The slots are well filled. The BIG 10 replaced Time & Talent sign up. The date for Spring Clean-up will be available soon. The process of burning old Palms to create ashes for Ash Wednesday was explained.
New Business: The Parish Social in December was well attended. Nine St. Patrick’s Church members attended. New Parish Council Board Members are needed. Lynn urged Parish Council members to invite at least one parishioner to join the Council (term to begin August of 2025). Council members will share ‘ask’ results at the April council meeting. If necessary, the Council will follow up by publicizing the need for more members in April.
Finance Council: Lee McFee reported the Annual Diocesan Appeal is approx. $7,000.00 short of the $43,923.00 Parish goal. Funds not raised will be paid out of the Church’s general fund. Funds raised over our goal are returned to the Parish. Church cash flow remains positive. Insurable repairs made on the Church have been covered. No written report submitted.
Building and Grounds: John Dayton commented on items mentioned in the committee report. There are still BIG 10 tasks that need volunteers. Written report submitted.
Social Action: Lynn commented on items mentioned in the committee report. New committee members are needed. The Parish food drive will be in April with donations going to MICA. Good participation from other Grinnell Churches for No Room in the Inn. Hope to get more St. Mary Parishioners to participate. Written report submitted.
Worship and Spirituality: Sharon commented on items mentioned in the committee report. Ash Wednesday service times and Stations of the Cross have been set. John Landkamer held an Organ Recital on Feb. 9. Parish members are encouraged to attend this wonderful afternoon of music.
Written report was submitted.
Parish Life: The goody bag for Grinnell college students project was well received. A large thank you to Parish volunteers who make this multifaceted project so successful. Linda Ollinger presented information on two upcoming events. Preparations are underway for the upcoming Ladle bit of Heaven Luncheon on March 16th and a Jubilee Year Day Trip Pilgrimage to the Stations of the Cross at Cloisters on the Platte on May 6th. All ages are welcome. Watch the bulletin for details on both exciting events. A written report was submitted.
Funeral Luncheon Update: Looking for volunteers to donate salads. Jay is currently promoting this.
This committee is blessed with many seasoned volunteers.
Knights of Columbus: Scot Wilson commented on items mentioned in the committee report. The Knights encourage all eligible students to apply for a St. Mary Scholarship which is funded by the Knights of Columbus from their annual Lenten Fish Fry proceeds. The Knights continue to explore additional funding opportunities. The community meal participation is going well. A written report was submitted.
Staff Report: None
Pastor’s Report: Father Scott presented information about the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick.
He explained that this Sacrament is available to any Catholic in any stage of sickness, treatment or surgery. The Sacrament can be given more than once. He asked that parishioners contact him early in their health care journey to receive the Sacrament.
- Next meeting – April 3, 2025, 6:30 pm
- Next meeting Opening Prayer-Scot Wilson
- Next meeting Closing Prayer – Sharon Mealey
Karen closed the meeting in prayer and the meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
Submitted by Karen Schmidt